Anon E. Muss

Every single time she's on screen, my face inadvertently twists up.

Closest comparison was the assassin who offed the Soviet general. Which is to say: there is no American equivalent to P'n'E in the show.

There are kids on Tumblr arguing that eating foreign cuisine is appropriative, and that white-POC dating is innately white supremacist.

I was going to rip off the joke above (i.e, "Am grad student. Can confirm."), but then I realized that going to a conservative Calvinist seminary involves basically opposite stereotypes relative to the "grad student" image. So… Carry on.

To me, there was something gone from it when Jordan clarified how channeling works. I prefer eldritch workings to remain mysterious, personally… "Threads" are the midichlorians of this series.


Probably not, dude. It's a fantasy, and predicating your idea of "what women want" (incidentally, that's not a thing, women are not a hive-mind) on it would be like women trying to embody porn stars in daily life.

I'm surprised no one seemed to find Mac's conflicted relationship with jackin' it and his own… product… as funny as I did.

He is a black man in the movie industry. Another seriously underrepresented demographic. I would have thought the parallel was obvious.

It seems like we're mostly just supposed to be excited because women are at the helm- in which case, why doesn't the AV Club stump for Tyler Perry? This is going to be dreck, and in an abstract sense, it's good that women can have the chance to be in charge of some shitty Hollywood money machine, but I'd still say we

Much as I love both Harmontown and David Cross, I'm a little confused as to how it's "insightful and hilarious" to say, in so many words, "Religion's weird and wrong, but I guess if you don't hurt people, we can tolerate it."

Almost definitely. I'd be shocked if it turns out to be anything else.

I mean- I do.

It's "Toews," and "oe" represents "ö." The "ö," in certain regional accents, is pronounced like "ay." (Remember Ferris Bueller singing "Danke Schön"?) And "w" sounds like "v." Swiss German, muhfuckas.


I feel like this whole thing is about as significant as the MLB's rules about pine tar on bat handles. Ask an ex-pro how many receivers and cornerbacks put Stickum on their gloves, and how many pass rushers smear up with Vaseline.

Your hot dogs taste FEAR?

I'm totally down to Human Centipede some freshmen in the quad tonight.

"There's going to be a duct-tape wedding! Cover your genitalia and run!"

Just bought it and wrote my first two, openly shilling for commendations, handle is truschbag.