Anon E. Muss

It gets weirder. There are groups that think the internet itself is the Mark. Because you can transliterate the Hebrew letter "waw" as "w," and it's the sixth letter, and, well, "www"…

Lewis was a shitty Protestant. I'm very confident that, if pressed, he'd drop sola Scriptura like a sack of bat guano.

It would be entirely unwatchable.

Late-game Anglicans. In the early going, they drafted the Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion, which are pretty thoroughly anti-Catholic in dogma.


Except for the fact that the Council of Trent, which defined Roman Catholic dogma until at least the 1960s, was explicitly anti-Lutheran (anti-Calvinist, too, but that gets less press).

Don't blame us indiscriminately; it's all Americans from the last couple of centuries. Some of us prefer our theology to come from Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Scotland, thank you very much.

I read fifty pages of the first book, and I think that more or less describes Steele. He was on a church board, even, if I remember- just not one that the authors would have approved.

Rapture, schmapture. No one believed in it until about a hundred and fifty years ago.

Pretty much every sect that believes in the Rapture (which is really pretty obviously missing from the New Testament texts) also believes that the afterlife is living as a disembodied spirit in heaven. In point of fact, the Bible pretty consistently points to a resurrection of the dead (bodily).

Nah, incorrect. Jesus actually specifically refers to "the resurrection" (meaning the general, physical resurrection of the dead- a concept which has largely been eclipsed by the idea of disembodied existence in an ethereal heaven) in that passage. The comparison with angels is used to establish that there won't be

Lots of evangelicals have been brought up in the milieu of Anabaptist/Baptist thinking that basically holds culture to be either bad of itself or, at best, a vessel for ideological content (and nothing more than that). I went to a conservative Christian college, and I had a hell of a time trying to make people

There are, like, five or six people who'd disagree. Although probably only two might show up on any given day.

You misspelled "porn."

Well, teacher of righteousness, why don't you give us some midrash on that? Why would she have done that?

"In 2005, she made me try cocaine."
"Booger sugar?!"

Um, Cain and Abel never fucked each other, guys. One of David's many sons raped his half-sister, though. Tamar and Amnon. Maybe that would've made more sense?

Dave Rose, resident douchelord of Happy Endings.

Angry, angry young man.

He sure has done a lot of good for… the whites.