Anon E. Muss

"What else would you throw?"
"I don't know. Couscous. Skittles."

"Figaro," Madvillain. Because it's dope as hell and it gives off a perfect vibe of cool intensity.

It's not just that. Without all the detail about whaling, the importance of the whale as a symbol would be undercut almost entirely.

Them Angles, though.

Dutch ain't Anglo-Saxon. Try Cashington.

Probably just like "Cohen." "Q" is another option for transliterating the Hebrew letter in the word "Cohen" comes from. Also: "cohen/qohen" means "priest." Symbolic!

Also, "Happiness, no more be sad/Happiness, I'm glad."

Enh, I know it's kind of pointless carping at Led Zeppelin lyrics, but "Thank You"… "If the sun refused to shine/I would still be lovin' you/If the mountains crumbled to the sea/There would still be you and me." Supposedly this was the song that convinced Jimmy Page that Robert Plant could be trusted to write more of

That's pretty accurate, I'd say. The Herb Kazazz story and Bojack's response are actually pretty decent drama.

I know this has been said on the actual review, but the show actually becomes much stronger after the first half of the season. I'm glad they're renewing it, it was a fun-enough binge session.

You lucky so-and-so!

So Gene Simmons has basically the same view on racial politics as the sixty-year-old cabby who wouldn't stop talking to me on the way to the airport a couple months ago? Yeah, seems about right.

Being reminded that this series exists depresses the fuck out of me.

It actually depends on whose definition you're using. Paul has one, which includes him, and the Twelve had another, which wouldn't include him. So. Yeah.

Fourteen, if you include Paul. But that's a whole different thing.

Mm. That's what I would have guessed, if I'd had to pick.

Yeah, I remember the Anglican exception. What I mean is- do we know the story with this guy, particularly? I guess I did leave out the possibility of out-of-wedlock, pre-ordination.

Second review of this I've read, and I'm still curious about how he has a daughter. Is he a widower or divorcee who became a priest? Or is he supposed to have been somewhat… loose with the chastity thing?

Frell yes!

Counter-argument: the red album came out my junior year, and it was the shittiest shit to ever shit.