Anon E. Muss

I've been reading these all day. Thanks for the recommendation.

No, we didn't kill anybody- that I know of.

Yeah, it saves that album from being a huge turd.

I can say that irony-free, at least when it comes to Zeppelin.

"Achilles Last Stand"!

"Achilles Last Stand." It's implausibly sad for a such face-melter.

Call me a Philistine, but I have no idea what I am supposed to make of Wuthering Heights. Revenge is bad? Bad people in love with other bad people do bad shit? And how the fuck are the spirits of these terrible people "at peace"?

That was literally the last book I read (well, outside of course reading). It was a really interesting experience, because I and most of my undergrad friends were in a classics program. The characters in that book were uncomfortably like us in some ways.

It's because they're all too busy navel-gazing.

I definitely agree with this assessment, but I also think it's meant to undercut the implicit belief people seem to have that just making it to some other place- geographical or metaphorical- will existentially satisfy. Quentin's excitement over Brakebills ultimately resolves itself into disaffected boredom and

I'm just doing my job, sir.

Aging is distinct from being temporal, though. If we accept the doctrine that Satan and devils are angelic beings, angels must be capable of change (since God does not create beings as evil), and anything that admits of change must be subject to time. So goes the temporal-angel logic.

The AV Club

Fuck you, Japan.

I think he meant "motion," basically.

While I love the pedantic spirit, the pedantic execution is lacking.

Seriously, though- in the world of the original, if Mr. Potter had thought about killing himself, would the angel have said, "Oh yeah, totally do it. Everyone is much better off with you dead."

Well. It appears we have nothing further to say to each other (at least not of serious value).

Yes, in fact, the fundamental point of dispute here is whether or not God exists. I hold that my position is the only rigorously consistent one if he does. If he does not, of course my whole position is absurd. I recognize that. Dietrich Bonhoeffer very concisely puts it that Christian and non-Christian ethics begin

"Circuitous motherfuckery"? Or just reading the whole rather than atomistic elements?