Anon E. Muss


Oh. 'S all good, then, come on down to the pig roast.

By the laws of the tribe you must be banished into the great wastes. Only when you have watched the Breaking of the Bad or brutally murdered Chuck Lorre can you return to the village.

Ted Mosby. I feel like they realized midway through the show's run how fundamentally boring Ted is and so they manufactured a new personality for him. The shame is, they couldn't think up anything better than "pretentious douche."


You got your slash-fic in my podcast!

Art Brut's "Rusted Guns of Milan" is about a dude with E.D. growing steadily more frustrated. I can only imagine that would kill any mood.

The gloves make a bigger difference than the wraps….

Don't you remember his spiel on capitalism? It's what makes America great, England OK, and France terrible.

It's Tergis, with Tracky John-John and Jimmy Moo!

In England, we call them "Italian fannies."

Using his forcefield.

I do love America. I love chalupas.

I'm Professor Ian Duncan and I'm here to say,

He's studied at Yale, Harvard, MIT, Oxford, the Sorbonne, the Loov-ruh.

Amen to that, brother.

Europe can keep it.

Kanye done shined a light.

I know it makes sense for the character- he's got a very "dorky dad" kind of vibe to him, and has from the beginning (witness his attempts at smoking Jesse's weed)- but fuck it looks like shit.

Mostly irrelevant, but am I the only one who despises Walt's off-white jacket? It looks horrible, especially when he wears beige or khaki pants/shirts with it. He has terrible taste (although I guess the Aztek already proved that).