Anon E. Muss

"Auf Wiedersehen," "Liebchen" (ya gotta capitalize those nouns).

I'm starting to think that living-life-Kanye and making-music-Kanye are basically two distinct entities. Jekyll and Hyde. Music-Kanye is clear-eyed enough to understand the self-loathing and self-destructive nature of living-Kanye's excesses. There's no way someone as unself-aware as Kanye's public persona could make

That's… honestly not uncommon in the world of alternative comedy. Oswalt and pretty much all of his friends are openly atheist. I'm pretty sure Jeselnik is. Kyle Kinane suggested that he is considering becoming an agnostic (as opposed to an atheist) because it's "more fun," like believing in Sasquatch or the

Actually, I do provide a foundation, namely, divine command. But I'm assuming no one is interested in an extended defense or explication of divine command theory.

I refuse to do that. I mean, if you want to read a several hundred word explanation of divine command theory, I'd be open to that. But the basic point is this: I don't believe in moral relativism. Not in an ultimate sense. I don't believe that any single cultural construction of right and wrong is correct, but I do

I'm against it anyway, mostly because Jason Bonham has proved time and again that he is in no way, shape, or form above exploiting his father's legacy for personal gain.

"Certain values"? If "rape and murder are bad" is not a sentiment that most, if not all functioning human beings can assent to, there is no such thing as shared human experience.

Okay, if we cannot agree that values like "Don't murder hundreds of people" and "Don't rape dozens of young girls" transcend culture, can we just all agree to give up on everything? At that point, I think it's high time to consider the hermit lifestyle or, alternatively, suicide.

Well, they're also slightly under the population of Massachusetts, so…

Understand, I'm not defending him or his behavior. I'm just suggesting that this whole "stealing" versus "borrowing" thing is not the nonsense it can sound like. Moore can still be a dick about it, or fail to even maintain the distinction himself.

I genuinely think, in context, his "stealing" versus "adapting" thing made sense. He was basically saying that what he was doing with the League is taking existing characters but doing something completely new with them (i.e., he's not making "Dracula 2," he's putting Mina Harker in something totally different).

I dabble in terrible poetry. There's also shitty TV.

This is one of the reasons I'm glad we Presbyterians are actually encouraged not to keep Lent. Love my beer and whiskey.

That offends me as an ex-football player! I was only sometimes present in other people's rooms at night!

"Well, fuck you, too, asshole!"

There goes The Guilty Party, he's a berserker….

The first stage is already present- people complaining about bands that "imitate" Arcade Fire…. First they came for The Lumineers, but I did not speak up, because I did not like The Lumineers….

I heard "High and Dry" in a Chipotle once.

Like a literary version of Krampus.

Look, Smithers! Garbo is coming!