Anon E. Muss

People were coming back from the dead as far back in the canon as Kings. Get with it, JBP.

Someone didn't get to the end of the poem….

Whence he shall come in glory to judge Marcus Mumford and the Grateful Dead.

C.S. Lewis has a pretty thorough take-down of the Romantic Lucifer-as-hero approach in A Preface to Paradise Lost. It's actually a pretty good read.

It's, um, not a narrative book. That's kind of like saying, "Name something that happened in The Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals!" Not gonna happen. The closest you could get is saying, "Micah yells about Israel being dumb."

Gnostic gospels are the equivalent of the Star Wars prequels: they're fanfiction that got blown way out of proportion.

It's definitely Donne for me, either "On the Sun Rising," or "La Corona."

Love the lines,

Me, too! High five, mang!

"Who's the douche now, douche-b?"

Sploosh but with what?!?
Sploosh but with what?!?

Yeah, I just woke up when I wrote that, having watched HIMYM last night…

Bastards of Young, I think, or Alex Chilton.

Up? Up?

Was I the only one who thought it was weird that Barney knows about The Mouse That Roared?

Big Fudge!

You meant Michael Vick.

It's, "let me go ON" not let me go "why," and the name of the song is "Blister in the Sun."

A syllogism: