Anon E. Muss

They made breakfast Hot Pockets, FINALLY.

You're assuming that "help the poor" means "help the poor via government programs."

It had damn well better be Vaughn. That tiny-nipped bastard.

You basically just described my old church. The white part of the congregation was mostly college-aged hipsters or young families, but about half of it was Brazilian laborers. Good times.

@avclub-b0e90e736094c9348cbc8691500e9b7c:disqus Please, please, PLEASE don't conflate the "Christian right" with Christianity at large. That's sheer laziness. Not even every politically conservative Christian belongs to the Christian right.

@avclub-ba7ca22b615f4f8a1743406d3550c93a:disqus Yes, I do think that things of that nature happen, but I do not believe in any way that that is the primary thrust of Christian religiosity and thinking throughout the years.

Please, enlighten me: what are Jesus' teachings, then, in their unadapted and properly interpreted form?

As far as I see it, his point could be translated into normal-people language thusly: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen is not King Solomon's Mines II (for instance). It is a totally different project using public-domain characters. Whereas they are trying to take the same basic project and story that he created

Good game world, we're done.

I was trying to remember if one of the previous runs had anything by The Replacements. Couldn't remember, so I just wrote in Bastards of Young anyway.

T.S. Eliot, bitches.

Unrelated and pedantic point to make which is possibly mistaken anyway, because I haven't seen the movie: it's likely that what she employed was a triangle choke- "scissor lock" is mostly a made-up term, and triangle chokes are a staple of jiu-jitsu, especially as used in mixed martial arts. Someone unfamiliar with

Fair enough, and sorry if I sounded hostile. I didn't mean to be.

Frankly, they shouldn't. But it's also nonsense to suggest that Jesus would have had the opportunity to attack gays or abortionists. There were probably a total of zero openly gay Palestinians at the time (though, to be fair, the Roman elite in the area would probably have been sexually open and frequently

Not moneychangers in the abstract. Moneychangers in the temple at Jerusalem. To contextualize, imagine if loan sharks set up a booth outside a church and made dubious loans to poor people to let them make offerings inside.

First of all, his followers followed that up by asking if anyone could be saved at all. He answered, "With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

Not exactly. The early church apparently (see Book of Acts Ch.2) encouraged its members to sell belongings when others were in financial need, but they did not redistribute everything. Look up Ananias and Saphira, though, if you want to read something kind of wild.

Please stop mistaking Dispensationalist Zionists for the entirety of the Christian right.

(Three words)

Still not what I was talking about.