Anon E. Muss

I wasn't setting Nirvana up as a cut-off, I was using it to illustrate exactly how young I am. You're basically right, but it doesn't change anything about what I said.

I was born in 1991. I had to start listening to Nirvana as an "old" band. But this piece is dead right. Classic rock is not just a synonym for old. It refers to an attitude, almost a distinct genre, that thrived mainly in the '70s. I hate it when I tune to Boston's classic rock station (WZLX) and hear U2 or something

The immaculate conception is not the same as the virgin birth, people. The immaculate conception refers to the Roman Catholic dogma that Mary was conceived without original sin by an act of God, so that she could be a fit vessel for Christ. You guys have a trained theologian on staff- where was Donna Bowman on this

Heroes III is one of my favorite games. My brother and I got it when we were both very young (I'm only twenty, now, but I think I was ten when we got it), and it's in that sweet spot of nostalgia and also being a pretty badass game.

You know that Marie Antoinette never actually said that, right?

Acknowledging that I could stand to lose some weight (played defensive tackle for my high school football team), I'm 6'2" and 230 and I'm not even that fat. If you're an inch taller and nearly 80 pounds lighter, I'm guessing that I could probably snap your bones without too much strain.

If those heights and weights are accurate, these dudes are unhealthily skinny. For real.

I miss when Chang was just kind of doing the El Tigre thing. I miss when he seemed half-way competent but incredibly authoritarian. Now he's just some psychopath off the street. I don't know, man. I don't know.

No mention of Ron's decoy gold?

Now you're in the rather odd position of telling me whether or not I am morally depraved. Well, I am. I think I have sufficient experience of myself and autonomy to say that.

By "noetically responsible," I mean morally responsible for the content of their beliefs.

Again, tell me: are human beings held pistically/noetically responsible or not? Is a belief system subject to moral valuation? Because, if it is, you cannot blame Christianity for assigning a negative value to other views, or at least cannot work on the assumption that such judgments are a priori immoral. But if it is

Furthermore, it is obvious that your claim that I am "automatically intellectually suspect" is (at least here, at least now) entirely unsupported, save by pathos. Precisely why is a person with a scriptural outlook intellectually irrelevant prima facie? Because of evolution? I don't deny it. Because of certain moral

And to put everything out into the open:
A.) I have literally no opinion on gay marriage as a political issue. Furthermore, I'm only twenty and a half years old. I have yet to vote in any elections or on any referenda, though I am registered. I have had no influence of any kind on the state of gay rights in this

Manley- how do you determine if what you are reading is nonfiction or fiction? How do you recognize metaphorical language or figures of speech? The Bible contains within it a multitude of literary genres, most of which are easy to identify as prosaic or poetic.

Interesting that, out of one side of your mouth, you imply that noetic states have no moral implications by assaulting the Christian claim of exclusivity, and then, out of the other, immediately refer to the scriptural worldview as "disgusting, hateful, and bigoted."

I say with or without because, frankly, I don't really care one way or another. I see no difficulty in relating a creative God to an evolutionary model- the stark existence of matter as such is far more relevant to the existence of God than the precise origin of species.

I find it interesting that your criterion for credibility or decency is liberalism. I am what would probably be called a "religious conservative," in that I believe in the binding authority of Scripture (on its own terms, not on artificially determined concepts of "literalism"), the genuine deity of Jesus Christ, the

A "literal" interpretation is quite frankly impossible. The sun doesn't show up in the creation account until the fourth "day," and Genesis I is written as a poem. The claim it makes is basically this: all that is has its origin in God. That is not incompatible with a Big Bang model, with a billions-of-years-old

Out of curiosity, what is the exact reason so many people get vitriolic about the Quran burning thing? To be entirely forthright, I think it's a pretty terrible idea and more than a little mean-spirited, but the degree of anger over this thing from people without a vested interest in Islam (I mean, it's