
domestic violence? domestic violence? what on earth does a SUPERHERO COMIC-BOOK movie have to do with domestic violence. stop trivializing domestic violence by comparing it to something as absurd as this

To be offended by this poster you have to really *want* to be offended.

Apocalypse can try to take over the world and kill millions, as long as he respects women. the poster gave top billing to Mystique – over Xavier, Magneto and Wolverine – and it still managed to offend people? Because the female superhero is being subjected to physical violence by the supervillain?? and let me guess if

actually Smallville's highest ratings was 9.4 million viewers for episode 2x07 which is more impressive considering there was no DVR back when smallville first came out while the flash had 4.8 million viewers live and 6.8 million with dvr and everything else factored in. and I doubt things like leaking online affects

this episode hit all the right notes. oh how I missed Iroh's wisdom

You get a doppelgänger and you get a doppelgänger and you, and you. DOPPELGÄNGERS FOR EVERYONE

channel 11 i think

I got a TVD notification for this?

Oh and all the fairies kamehamehing at russell

Oh and all the fairies kamehamehing at russell