
UG is just super absurdist humor. I watched the first episode expecting to hate it, and then I didn't. The crossover is going to work super well.

The World of Steven Universe blogspot page is where you want to be

Easy for you to say, you're a time traveler.

AV Club: idiots who spend all their time watching cartoons and wasting time on Tumblr

I really liked the part where the cartoon for children depicted the main character's surrogate parent abducting their child to take them on a faulty rocket ship back to the homeworld! And the time where the three adult characters express genuine and realistic concern about their parenting skills! And how Steven's

Once people start realizing that things aren't better TV just because it's on cable, that trend will end pretty fast.

RDJ still gets roles

"Superman movies paved the way for comic-book blockbusters" Did you mean: Blade

Arthur got really, really, really bad.

The episodes that have gone away from the typical "adventuring" have been the strongest one-offs of the series by far

Bold claim. Can you back it up?

Because a more realistic discussion on how rich people get their money is what I'm looking for when I watch a fucking production of Annie.

An AV Club about a bunch of black people? Never been done.

Then HOW ON EARTH do you complain about it? This review judges this version of the "Warbucks" story MORE harshly than the original because…. I don't know. That's not a fair criticism of this movie.

And the OLD SUBTEXT was better? Have you watched the old version of Annie? Or does subtext about the immorality of Warbucks bother you now that it's… "modernized"?

Just goes to show that if you go into a movie expecting to hate it, the movie will meet your expectations.

Because what television REALLY needs is more White Gays.

Shit, y'all are pretty fucking white.

I'm not sure why people are complaining about how SNL handled the Eric Garner case, although in my case the entire time I was just hoping that they wouldn't do something blatantly racist.

Did you see the second episode tonight? Garbage. Poopy doo doo garbage.