
Between Arrested Development and Orange is the New Black, Netflix shows have amazing final scenes.

They're on a press tour right now and showing the entire trilogy and having Q&As and what not. They'll be sorta close to me in a couple of days but I can't afford to go. I guess I'll have to wait another month to see it.

Don Cheadle isn't really the problem with the Iron Man sequels.

Even if I did agree with you about him being better than Cheadle, he's apparently a crazy person who hits women and thinks he's an engineer.

Their album was disappointing, but "Sacrilege" has been one of my favorite songs of the year.

Oh. That means my system is bullshit. Damn. I wish I would have hired Nate Silver before ABC/ESPN snatched him up.


With that information I can only recommend The Beatles.

Twizzlers or Red Vines?
Coke or Pepsi?
Jack White or Jack Black?
Beaches or Mountains?
Mustard or Mayo?

Foxygen- We are the 21st Century Ambassadors of Peace & Magic
Mikal Cronin- MCII
The Men- New Moon
Deerhunter- Monomania
Thee Oh Sees- Floating Coffin
Parquet Courts- Light Up Gold
Queens of the Stone Age- …Like Clockwork
Vampire Weekend- Modern Vampires of the City
Kurt Vile- Wakin' on a Pretty Daze
King Tuff- Was Dead


Cool! Your first four are some of my favorites of this year, so I'll be sure to check out the others (including the The National album).

@avclub-9a0bab355d9df09d61354f9e863b0100:disqus Licorice being an option just seems like they're pandering to old people. Who actually eats that stuff?

Greatest (only?) song to mention Swedish Fish.

I find that a bit surprising.

That was my first exposure to the song. I didn't know it was from a Disneyland ride until much later (I've still never been).

Cool. I'm excited about this series because I was too busy being nonexistent/a child in the 90's. I've never really dove into punk besides the really early stuff and modern-day poppy garage rock.

Every podcast I've ever heard Nick Thorburn on, he comes off as a bit of an asshole but also extremely likable. He was awesome on this episode.

This is about someone's Irish childhood? I imagine it's much lighter than Angela's Ashes.

Why the hell did they drop the "of Mars" from the title. It makes it seem much more interesting. "John Carter" just sounds like a straight-to-DVD action thriller starring Paul Walker.