
I read Wells' The Invisible Man. Does anyone know any good film/TV adaptions of that? I also read the Highway 61 Revisited book in the 33 1/3 series. I will never stop being captivated by Bob Dylan.

This is why I like it when we never get to see/hear the amazingness. I can't think of any examples though.

This is why I like it when we never get to see/hear the amazingness. I can't think of any examples though.

Is this a sequel to O Brother Where Art Thou?

Since when does X mean fold?

I just realized that Joan Callamezzo's character on Arrested Development was obsessed with Quincy Jones and the actress is now playing in a show with his real life daughter.

He's actually talking about the ice cream…

Genevieve thinks it's 2002.

What do you expect mother? I'm half machine!

The whole town of Carthage smells like chicken and not in a good way.

He vas my BOYFRIEND!

When he stopped hanging around with Meg White's boobs.

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Does the book say anything about his inspiration for "The Sweater Song?"

Morphine into what?

I knew it before I even knew it was a tv show. My mom used to sing it to us for some reason

Mrs. PotatoHead likes him.

Doesn't Hulu Plus still show ads? That seems dumb

I get it. DeBASEr. I bet the breathing thing from "Tame" could mess a pitcher up.

Was it the typical "Crazy Train" and "Down with the Sickness?"