The Canadian Shield

I meant the post-credit scene in the porno shoot.

Am I horribly mistaken or was Deva the girl in the post-credits opening scene?

The Shield, Spartacus, and (so far) Arrow are the only shows from recent memory (for me) that did this.

She was, er… Checking his head for lice!
Yeah, that's it…

So much this about Shane.
We've all talked before about Shane's impulsiveness being his fatal flaw and here we see that to its full effect. It's a compulsion that tends to hurt him in the worst way and time possible and watching Goggins' facial acting to convey OH SHIT as soon as it happens? So good.

Anything that involves Nick Tarabay getting more (and higher-profile) work, I'm in complete favour of.
Of all of the home runs that Spartacus hit regarding casting, Tarabay as Ashur was easily the most underrated.

Hungry like the Wolf.
That is all.

So. Much. This.

I've gone on record before with effusive praise regarding 'Possible Kill Screen', but that pause… Good God, what a moment.

Out of all of the shows that I recall seeing in the last 15 years or so, only Spartacus and The Shield adhere to the rules of drama in that everything that happens on-screen is a direct consequence of the actions of the characters themselves. There's a minimum of plot-driven characterization and instead, a

You can't have a 'Best of' list and not include "Revelations" in that list. It's the episodic equivalent of watching everyone at a poker table going all-in.

Wow, I honestly can't think of anything to add here that hasn't already been covered. Especially like how, apart from the Everybody Fucks Vic moments, that you get to see in progression how each choice almost mandate the ones that follow. It's like watching a chess match where you get to see choices (pieces) being

Sweet. I just figured out which one you're going to do. Looking forward to it.

Please tell me Scenic Route #2 will be that scene from 'Possible Kill Screen'.


Wallflower, Great job as usual.
Easily the most concise write-up on how Vic's self-righteousness ultimately drives everything he does.

IMO, Season 7 starts a little slow. Around S07E08 is when it moves into full-throttle "HOLY CRAP!!" mode to the series finale, but I'd opine that Season 5 is stronger start to finish.

My wife and I just finished off Season 7 last night. The entire series in 3 weeks; so proud of her.
Anyways yeah, Kavanaugh's appearance is definitely where the boulder going downhill picks up speed. So, so much good stuff in this season.

It's true.
But given that we repeatedly see gladiator steel cut through shield and armour in 'Spartacus', it's reasonable to assume that, while it might slow Theokoles down from hacking away at the Mountain, it wouldn't stop him.

Theokoles, easily:
Just as big strong and injury-resistant, but two-weaponed & faster due to less armour.