
so sad
No posts
viva la Hater

Only 3 years and 3 months left
Long live the hater!

A sad day indeed
Feel the hate.

Good luck Amelie
(Am I from the future?)

Good luck Amelie
I May watch the Office now!

This is a shame
Amelie does not deserve a 0 posting.

I'll miss you Amelie

I think Paula and Ozzy should hook up
They could look into each others blank and stoned eyes for hours trying to remember who they are and what they're doing.
Also, think of the kids they could have. They would supply us with decades of entertainment.

In a related auction
Jackie O's pink hat soaked with JFK's gray matter.
Bidding starts @ $2000

How about American Indian Shore
Wait, that feels wrong somehow.

Jennifer Lopez, do you call that singing?
SHE CAN NOT SING!! Her intonation is horrible. She didn't hit the notes until she started to put some vibrato in her voice. I don't like her style of music but I can appreciate a good voice in any musical style. but damn! I listened to the first song hoping it was because she…


I can hear it now
The sampled snippets of the original song floating in the background by some douch DJ , 300 fly girls dancing in the back ground wile Fergie touches her lady humps.
It is going to be god awful.

impregnated—in her neck
I've attempted that a number of times.

what the fuck
there's a special place in hell for the douchebag.

Are there vampires in this movie?

I know, baby vampires. That would be the best ever.

That show should have been canceled when Carson retired.

No Way.

Vampires Again?
Hollywood's ability to come up with new and clever ideas never ceases to amaze me.