
"he's going to be all right"

"he's going to be all right"

hear, hear!

hear, hear!

Rayna said in the pilot that Juliette wouldn't even cut it as one of her back up singers

Rayna said in the pilot that Juliette wouldn't even cut it as one of her back up singers

Love that soundtrack! In my list of top 5 soundtracks. Did Rob Gordon ever list top soundtracks? Probably, but it would have been before O Brother, so, needs to be updated.

Love that soundtrack! In my list of top 5 soundtracks. Did Rob Gordon ever list top soundtracks? Probably, but it would have been before O Brother, so, needs to be updated.

I liked Dimitry's collection, but was shocked at his styling. I don't think the tinfoil hats or unibrows really connoted youthfulness so much as mental illness, but perhaps I'm just terribly uncool (and, admittedly, old).

I liked Dimitry's collection, but was shocked at his styling. I don't think the tinfoil hats or unibrows really connoted youthfulness so much as mental illness, but perhaps I'm just terribly uncool (and, admittedly, old).

I laughed so hard when he asked for extra ice, because you know, it's a thermos!

I laughed so hard when he asked for extra ice, because you know, it's a thermos!

agreed. I rank comedies by the number of times I have to pause to laugh my heart out and recover before the next joke. It took me 5 times to get through Nick's visual gag of him imagining fantasizing about Jess. Shoot, I'm still laughing about that. "Bleech!"

agreed. I rank comedies by the number of times I have to pause to laugh my heart out and recover before the next joke. It took me 5 times to get through Nick's visual gag of him imagining fantasizing about Jess. Shoot, I'm still laughing about that. "Bleech!"

Way too much plot for 22 minutes, but I love Phil's beard.

Way too much plot for 22 minutes, but I love Phil's beard.

When will the audio book of the Douche Journals be available?

When will the audio book of the Douche Journals be available?