Heady Nuggs

why hire a new guy - why not simply ruin Jake Lloyd's life all over again?

Sincere condolences to the families & friends of the deceased, and wishing a speedy recovery to those injured.

I was prepared to haemorrhage a bunch of cash on the book but when I saw how much it cost to ship it to my neck of the woods I had to reluctantly give up on it.

the scene where Rust walked into the psych ward to interview the girl he rescued in 1995 - there was a kid on the left of screen reading a book - it felt like the book jacket lingered in the shot longer than was necessary, did anyone happen to catch the title or recognise the cover? I rewound and paused a bunch of

I think we will find out that in fact Maggie killed Tuttle - because why not?

crazy fan theory #276 - Maggie was responsible for Tuttle's death after she discovered he was involved in some unsavoury interactions with her daughter(s).

just went through the list of best picture winners and realised I've only seen seven of them; the two Godfathers, Silence Of The Lambs, American Beauty, Braveheart, Gladiator and Return Of The King.

a great Ron episode.


Alice is a great song - as well as the original version I also love the 1993 re-recorded version that (I think) was on the Under The Gun EP.

is Grohl actually a playing member of the group or does his involvement end with his studio being used?

I think the album is great and furthermore you shouldn't knock living in a vacuum until you've tried it.

My favourite musician appearing on my favorite show?

Richard Hell's Kitchen?

I thought Kim Shattuck was a good fit for The Pixies but obviously The Pixies didn't agree.

Rolling Stone is already a cuntry website.

next stop - the Shopping Channel. go Joey!

Pat Pending & The Copyrights.

Peter Buck on 'The Flowers Of Guatemala' by REM and (I think) Corey Loog Brennan on 'The Door' by the Lemonheads - thems great guitar solos!

what happened to Slave II - in the shop for a service?