Area Mannix

A mutant?

How surprised could you be. I mean… You've been on the internet before. Also, to criticize the image you have to think about it, and you know that isn't going to happen.

Great comment. You're so good with people!


She read it differently. Instead if debating the idea, you heckle and insult. Like a creep.

Don't present me with ideas I have to think about. I already know EXACTLY what is up with everything. Do not try and alter that certainty with your 'ideas' and shit.

It's a woman being characterized as a victim of violence. She's nude and a victim. This is an ad for a product. You really can't see how people have a problem with that?

Oh, come on. That means I'd have to think for a moment. Is that where all this PC business takes us? To thinking? PASS

And how did you read this article that way? My guess, you're an asshole.

Cool slavery joke, brah

Anyone who let that Glenn bullshit start a season that then ended with that other bullshit should be god damn quiet about how others handle their business.

I bet the sequel to a reboot that bombed is gonna be so good, everybody. Super pumped.

Culture as commodity usually works out so great. Weird.

He likes you.

Less intestines? Not interested. Hard pass.

That's your solution to everything.

I really question your ability to determine what is or is not 'grown up'. I'm not sure what I said that has you so on edge. But I apologize. I was only urging sympathy toward a pariah. That's it. Thanks for talking.


Dude. Get a life.

Is it now? How interesting. Thank you for parsing my words for me.