Area Mannix

Hey look. You have the AV Club version of the moral majority after you. THERE IS ONE WAY TO FEEL ABOUT MEL GIBSON. FEEL THAT WAY NOW.

I try and have compassion for people. Yes.

Well, there I meant a second look as a person, but sure. I suppose he should work again, he won't because his looks are shot. I feel bad for him because his entire life is ruined.

Uh huh. Well, that's a fact of alcoholism. You don't understand that because you're well… ignorant. I've been very patient with your attacks and now I'm all done. Have a good day.

No. It doesn't mean that in any way at all. I believe in science. Science once made that mistake. It makes many. I don't discard science because of it. Science is a process not a result.

What's your problem, friend? That I said we should maybe try and have sympathy for someone. For this you keep attacking me. Why?

Putting words in other people's mouths is what monsters do. Gibson was an alcoholic, what's your excuse?

Do you not know how science works?

Ok. Here's what I said, and I'll say it again because you just want to think the worst of others, have some sympathy for a sick man. Good day.

Did I? Boy, remind me never to discuss anything with you.

Scientists? Uh. Yes. I do.

You're right. Bound to happen sometime…

"So they aren't responsible for their actions while drunk? That's some moral whiteout you've got there."

Yeah, that's what I said.

Hey, rape jokes…. cool…

The American Psychiatric Association recognizes the existence of "alcoholism" as the equivalent of alcohol dependence. The American Hospital Association, the American Public Health Association, the National Association of Social Workers, and the American College of Physicians classify "alcoholism" as a disease.

Alcoholism is clearly something you're unfamiliar with.

Profoundly ignorant. Good bye.

Look. This is the last I'll say on this because people who only want to judge people they don't know and lives they haven't lived bore me. But, I've known a lot of alcoholics (I'm from a big Irish family) and there are two ways you deal with alcoholics who hurt you: you can write them off forever, or you can

I don't remember saying anything of the sort. What I said was that we should try and have some sympathy for a sick man.