

About Winter's Bone
Hey, Look! It's Sol Starr and Jack McCall/Francis Wolcott!

(If they ever would do something like that, it'd be off immediately to the gulag where Pierce spends his days and nights.)

To those of you who thought this song was a shoo in to make this Inventory: I did, too, until I remembered that the A.V. Club is written by professional critics, and professional critics can never do anything so gauche as to publicly admit to an affinity for anything even tangentially Sting-related.

My relationship with "Luka": Giggling like a schoolgirl every time I happen to catch the Lemonheads' "Mrs. Robinson" video with Evan Dando sporting a name tag that says "Hello, my name is Luka" on it.

Hmm. Reading the above slight spoilers, I'm glad that I was unable to get into Heart Shaped Box and, therefore, unable to finish it.

I am smelling like a rose that somebody gave me on my birthday deathbed.

@Helpful - I disagree. I liked the informality of it all. The breezy discursiveness even (almost) made the ads tolerable. Because, really, I'd rather they continue doing the ad copy themselves to them inserting jarring, professionally done adverts into the proceedings.

Two words: Jesus Junk.

I, for one, would be very interested in reading Todd's take on Daniel Radosh's excellent Rapture Ready. As I recall, he wasn't too keen on Mr. Peretti or his work. Still, he saved most of his vitriol for the Left Behind books and Stephen Baldwin.

Not for nothin', man,
but TRON was also ponderous.

More Angel Dust love here.

Emily Withrow's going to be doing the Top Chef recaps from now on?
Guess that means that I'll be skipping directly to the comments, based on her perfunctory, laughably wrong-headed take on this week's show.

And still no ROME?
God damn it!

Christ in a sidecar, but it's impossible to listen to even five minutes' worth this fucking thing, since I can't get past Genevieve Koski's voice.

It's Genevieve Koski, the A.V. Club critic with the tastes of a fourteen year old girl, and the speech patterns of George Lucas (were he a fourteen year old girl)!

I normally like the fact that Sean O'Neal's Newswire items are dripping with sarcasm. The subjects 'n' people he writes up usually earn a right good ribbing (albeit by a third-tier pop culture writer; but still!), so I usually don't mind that his pieces become ways to show off his XXXtreme gonzoness. But in

Rollins isn't the only one
who hates goddamn hipsters.

What Elitist Trash and Lovecraft In Brooklyn said.

Look, kids!
It's a skinny, nic-addicted hipster cuntshunner making fun of someone who, you know, likes to exercise!