
"Stay on target…"

Yeah, that is strange. I started a Warlock a week ago, and I'm already at level 23.

And Destiny helps you aim SO MUCH. I suck at console shooters in general, but Destiny makes me feel slightly average.

The footage and audio is pretty bad on that. Can't believe nobody was filming, or at least recording, and of those shows.

What a strange position for someone with a Dead Kennedys reference in their back pocket to take…

The X-Men movies, in case your idea of a superhero movie is watching your favorite characters stand around and talk.

I lived like that when I was 18. It would kill me/everyone around me today.

The Onion lost that title when they accidentally started reporting real news.

How the fuck? I had that book!

Only managed to get the first couple issues when they came out, but damn were they gold.

So sad to say I owned 2 of those titles.

You're lucky. In Atlanta, we got a black screen for the entirety of that scene, left with the women getting dressed and us thinking, "I guess they fucked…"

Captain Power!

*Searches for "star wars app" at App Store.*

You're not all that familiar with the art of storytelling, are you?

Maybe you need to look up the definition of the world "imply."
We live in a time when 90% of "readers" go no further than the headline, at best the first paragraph. Of course, we don't know how this will turn out in the end. At this point, however, he has not been charged with any crime, but already, he's associated

Compared to the average citizen, yes, the state has "unlimited" resources. If it makes you feel better, put the word "virtually" in front of the word "unlimited."

I'm assuming, that will be the conflict. Murdock, as former defense attorney, and secret vigilante, being in a position where he may have his ideals challenged.

And he's less skilled than the white guys, yet got hired to do the same job.

Any one that doesn't imply that Jared was the target of the investigation.