
This and/or "Nazi Punks Fuck Off"

She would have scored major points if she told them at the end of the challenge. Of all the times for her to keep her fool mouth shut…

If you had, you wouldn't be.

See: Kathy Bates on AHS: Freak Show

Totally clicked on this to say, "even 'Spaceboy'?"

All fat Bill Hicks impersonators are lying cocksuckers.

Yeah, what the fuck? We always stop before the previews on shows we actually like. Missed the whole Morgan thing.

As much of a mess as it was, it contains a favorite Punisher moment ("bad guys? oh, lemme put bullets in them") and a favorite Luke Cage moment (New Avengers #22.) I can't say that for most Marvel "events."

What happened to it? I don't understand the question.

I really only recently realized how much I used to go to the theater. I mean, I saw the shittiest '90s horror movies in the theaters because we'd go see a movie every weekend.

"Because it's much harder to shove a three story screen down your fucking throat."

“We believe the choice for truly enjoying a magnificent movie is clear.”

Close your eyes, lower your head, and run towards a wall as fast as you can..

Just because example B stinks worse than example A, that doesn't make example A a good show.

Reads and posts on AV Club at work.

No, the money isn't important, but I guess I just refuse to diminish the achievement of making the majors, journeyman or not.

And don't forget "Fuck you, Brad Culpepper!"

I'll give you racist and bigoted, but "failed ballplayer?" He played in the Major Leagues for 6 years, made over 5 million dollars. If only we could all fail like that.

The commercials and the clips I've seen from cast members visiting talk shows have been so bad, I'm left wondering if LaToya and I just have fundamentally different senses of humor.

I've always enjoyed listening to Joe talk about music, even on O&A where they just seemed perplexed by his taste.