
No, that's Marc Maron.

Why would anyone think it was a poop joke? You're a strange man.

That's a funny looking 2.

Thank god he isn't a Dexter fan…

The only one of these I've seen is Lost. And I refuse to cast a vote for Lost.

I thought about the music last night, when Coulson and Riley…er Ward were disarming the guards. I thought about how typical and uninteresting it was. I wondered if they just have a folder filled with "fighting songs" and "running songs."

"a bit better than Riley" isn't much of a compliment. Fuck Riley in his square shitter.

I watched every episode, and I agree completely. My life would have been better without Dexter.

If the ending is all that matters, then why not just watch the finale? Actually, just watch the last ten minutes.

Fuck you, if you didn't watch the finale.

According to the whiny bitches around here, the grace period appears to be something around 50 years.

I managed to sit through the whole thing but I've been skipping over ep. 2 on the DVR hoping the gf won't notice, since it aired. So glad I just get to delete it now.

Sorry, it's out there, I'm gonna talk about it. Omar got shot in the back of the head by a toddler in a liquor store, and people still get mad if you mention it because they're gonna start watching The Wire any day now. Fuck em.

This IS the AV Club, no?

It's not a fucking spoiler. The show has already aired.

I fear a future move from Georgia to Colorado for this reason alone…

That's actually pretty much what I meant.

Same here. Perfect ending. It didn't need to continue and I didn't need to see the final battle. The point was that they were going to all die fighting, together.

I liked Buffy and all, but I never understood why this episode was always considered "scary." Other than the "SMG stake mime" gag, it wasn't all that memorable to me.

I'll always think of him as the rookie security guard in Observe and Report