
So was I the only one thinking "We'll swallow your soul! We'll swallow your soul!" when the crows were talking?

So was I the only one thinking "We'll swallow your soul! We'll swallow your soul!" when the crows were talking?

From what I've seen, Anthony's vegetarian views have mostly been "gentle ribbing." I don't think he genuinely dislikes vegetarians, and would probably prefer them over Republicans, but he has a distaste for the small, vocal minority that actively condemns others for their eating habits. The "our bodies aren't meant to

From what I've seen, Anthony's vegetarian views have mostly been "gentle ribbing." I don't think he genuinely dislikes vegetarians, and would probably prefer them over Republicans, but he has a distaste for the small, vocal minority that actively condemns others for their eating habits. The "our bodies aren't meant to

Before anyone asks, no, I won't do it either.

Before anyone asks, no, I won't do it either.

Yeah, I thought that episode was a dud too. And no, it didn't really improve beyond that. Or at least not memorably. Big stars are really hit or miss, though. Tom Hanks was great, but Bacon just had me screaming (in my head, I'm not insane…) "get to the fucking point!" And then there wasn't one.

Yeah, I thought that episode was a dud too. And no, it didn't really improve beyond that. Or at least not memorably. Big stars are really hit or miss, though. Tom Hanks was great, but Bacon just had me screaming (in my head, I'm not insane…) "get to the fucking point!" And then there wasn't one.

Well, Dice IS in a new Woody Allen film, assuming he hasn't screwed it up by now…

Well, Dice IS in a new Woody Allen film, assuming he hasn't screwed it up by now…

@livingonapear You really aren't very smart, are you? Someone with the reading comprehension of a 7 year old could figure out that's not what I said. Moron.

@livingonapear You really aren't very smart, are you? Someone with the reading comprehension of a 7 year old could figure out that's not what I said. Moron.

I know what you're talking about. I was replying to Tom S: " it's kind of rihanna's call whether she wants her victimized, beat to shit face plastered all over"

I know what you're talking about. I was replying to Tom S: " it's kind of rihanna's call whether she wants her victimized, beat to shit face plastered all over"

Rihanna can complain all she wants, but she can't do anything about it. This isn't some company being paid to put up billboards, it's an activist group taping up posters all over the city without anyone's permission.

Rihanna can complain all she wants, but she can't do anything about it. This isn't some company being paid to put up billboards, it's an activist group taping up posters all over the city without anyone's permission.

Stop kidding yourself. Independence Day was terrible too.

Stop kidding yourself. Independence Day was terrible too.

What I rmember from that scene in Ice Pirates was the exchange, "Shouldn't you be at the controls?" "If you insist (or something like that)." And he goes down on her.

What I rmember from that scene in Ice Pirates was the exchange, "Shouldn't you be at the controls?" "If you insist (or something like that)." And he goes down on her.