
Yeah, I know. If only there were some way to edit my comments…

Yeah, I know. If only there were some way to edit my comments…

I've never listened to Corolla's show, are all his opinions rooted in 20 year old right-wing talk radio tropes? Really? Are we still telling people with tattoos how much they're going to regret it when they're older?

I've never listened to Corolla's show, are all his opinions rooted in 20 year old right-wing talk radio tropes? Really? Are we still telling people with tattoos how much they're going to regret it when they're older?

Pet Holmes = intolerable

Pet Holmes = intolerable

I HAD NEVER heard of her before the beating. Sorry, I don't listen to shitty pop music. I haven't watched MTV in at least ten years. Nobody's bragging, but not having the same interests as 13 year old girls is a good thing.

I HAD NEVER heard of her before the beating. Sorry, I don't listen to shitty pop music. I haven't watched MTV in at least ten years. Nobody's bragging, but not having the same interests as 13 year old girls is a good thing.

Most people with enough sense to want his ass kicked wouldn't recognize him. I had never heard of him until he hit his girlfriend, who I'd also never heard of.

Most people with enough sense to want his ass kicked wouldn't recognize him. I had never heard of him until he hit his girlfriend, who I'd also never heard of.

Yeah, I remember prints of it being advertised in the backs of his old Continuity Comics issues. The first few issues of Armor were great. /comic nerd

Yeah, I remember prints of it being advertised in the backs of his old Continuity Comics issues. The first few issues of Armor were great. /comic nerd

Leslie Mann's CGI breasts…

Leslie Mann's CGI breasts…

Yeah, I was pissed off when they killed the girl too.

Yeah, I was pissed off when they killed the girl too.

And replace the mind-altering phone calls with mind-altering texts, tweets, etc.

And replace the mind-altering phone calls with mind-altering texts, tweets, etc.

Glad I wasn't the only one who noticed that. Laughed way to hard and my girlfriend thought I was nuts until I pulled up the youtube clip.

Glad I wasn't the only one who noticed that. Laughed way to hard and my girlfriend thought I was nuts until I pulled up the youtube clip.