
Cassaday's art in the Avalanche scene was not good. Just take the picture of Thor above and try to tell me what's going on in the back ground. There's no geographical sense to be made from his entire sequence. Buildings and streets that apparently hang sideways, thousands of feet above other buildings… no idea what's

Cassaday's art in the Avalanche scene was not good. Just take the picture of Thor above and try to tell me what's going on in the back ground. There's no geographical sense to be made from his entire sequence. Buildings and streets that apparently hang sideways, thousands of feet above other buildings… no idea what's

Cassaday's art in the Avalanche scene was not good. Just take the picture of Thor above and try to tell me what's going on in the back ground. There's no geographical sense to be made from his entire sequence. Buildings and streets that apparently hang sideways, thousands of feet above other buildings… no idea what's

Aww… ::hugs::

Aww… ::hugs::

Kids was infuriating to me. The fact that this after-school special got so much praise baffled me.

Kids was infuriating to me. The fact that this after-school special got so much praise baffled me.

I know humor is subjective, but you're just plain wrong. Hilarious episode.

I know humor is subjective, but you're just plain wrong. Hilarious episode.

Hate hate hate hate Boondock Saints… hate

Hate hate hate hate Boondock Saints… hate

I thought he was making a hockey movie. I mean, there was a hockey mask in there, but that didn't look like Philly.

I thought he was making a hockey movie. I mean, there was a hockey mask in there, but that didn't look like Philly.

That was the best part. Jay was way more interested in his work than the tabloid shit.

That was the best part. Jay was way more interested in his work than the tabloid shit.

Can I get my popcorn with extra Advil?

It's like an awkward, prepubescent Pawn Stars

@Fuzzy One Ummm… just listen to another podcast maybe? Seriously, your suggestion is as asinine as saying The Colbert Report would be better if someone other than Stephen Colbert hosted it.


Californication was also dogshit…