
"such a weirdly specific tech that it could only be constructed from pure plot devicium."

not cool

So I don't watch this show or Supergirl, but read a bit about the crossover. With this and Supergirl moving to CW, it seems like they're setting up for a joined universe, right?

Oh, boy. I'm just so tired of all these Star Wars.

One more thing, you "find them really condescending and smug?" Have you read your own article?

You accused them of "nerdsplaining." Don't say you don't take issue with their nerdiness.

I'm not necessarily defending RLM, I just think it's really petty to denigrate their reviews in a piece that is at least as shlocky as they are, if not more so. Mention them, sure, reference their points and refute them, absolutely. Don't play holier-then-thou (or especially 'less-nerdy-then-thou') when you're

Ok, that makes it much more clear. I can see that the intent of your piece is not to start a conversation, but to talk down to us pathetic rubes who just can't see the amazing genius in the prequels that's hiding in plain sight.

Why are you writing something for public consumption if you don't care what other people think? Or are you saying that the entire tone of your piece is "Everyone is wrong about the prequels - I'm the one who's right, nerds!"

Let me break it down for you:

I find it interesting that you slam Red Letter Media for essentially being "Screenwriting 101"when the whole point was that yes, all you need is Screenwriting 101 to show you why these movies are so awful.

I appreciate and agree with the feminism in Agent Carter, and to a certain level I absolutely agree that more can be done, but I also think that overdoing it and making it more of a "message show" would hurt its credibility overall, and border on self-parody.

I kind of think Sean just did both? What, you wanted a dissertation?

First, you have to recognize that people are more likely to laugh in groups than on your own. There's a reason why comedians prefer to play to large crowds rather than small groups.

Your guess is, from everything I've heard, spot on.

We've gotta go to the crappy town where I'M a hero!

We've gotta go to the crappy town where I'M a hero!

The Janitor on Scrubs.

The Janitor on Scrubs.

What are people going to remember Community for?  Well, look at the way people remember Seinfeld - The masturbation show, the soup nazi, the marble rye, etc.  People are going to remember Community for being the show where genre was mailable.  The characters were the same, the setting was the same, but the show could