
Yes sir!

Good point. YOU SUCK VADER

Hey, if you're going to become an evil murderous tyrant, hiding your infant children on far flung planets is a GOOD parenting decision.

Gospels and I'd also keep Song of Solomon and 2-3 of the Psalms and that's it.

I gotta go with Miller Lite, it's crisper. BL is a little too sweet.


To me, everything up through Rancid [2000] is solid gold. Just so many great songs.

I really liked the retelling of the Arthur myth in Camelot 3000, although I haven't thought about that series in years.

Actually, in one specific instance, he's right, but not for the reason he thinks he is. I totally agree with your logic on people marching for social justice, human rights, or anti-war movements - they are resisting the power, not enforcing it (sadly enough). And that's true for people today matching for science

Nice! The benw clan went to the NYC March and had a great time!

Hold on, hold on just a second. This decade has a *substantial* dollar value attached to it.

Man, she's awesome. I just realized that if she ever actually gets elected POTUS, the phrase 'lame duck' is going to get real awkward.

Costner's The Postman. Just a terrible movie start to finish, except for the bit with Tom Petty. Tom Petty rox.

Right, so my ISP can now sell proof that I watch the abysmal Thursday night game.

YES that whole album is awesome!

Too Fast for Love and Shout at the Devil are all timers. The next two are weak with a couple good tracks each. The first 1/2 of Dr Feelgood is fantastic and then the end.

No Raffi in Kidzapalooza? THIS IS BULLSHIT

Nope I did! I even kinda liked it!

You're not even fit to be in the same room as e e cummings, sir.

RIP. Cycle of the Werewolf was my jam back in the 80's.