Aggro Craig

@avclub-e576423831e043f7928d9ac113abbe6f:disqus At the risk of feeding the troll… There is a distinction to be made between "native" and "indigenous." It is more accurate from a certain standpoint to say that no human is "native" to anywhere except a small swath of Africa and that we are indigenous to every other

@avclub-e576423831e043f7928d9ac113abbe6f:disqus At the risk of feeding the troll… There is a distinction to be made between "native" and "indigenous." It is more accurate from a certain standpoint to say that no human is "native" to anywhere except a small swath of Africa and that we are indigenous to every other

Harry switched offices — he still has one, it just has a giant support post in the middle. You just know Pete's going to use this as an opportunity to gun for full partner status. I wonder if Joan will take over Lane's work (isn't she basically doing it already) or if they'll bring in another man.

Harry switched offices — he still has one, it just has a giant support post in the middle. You just know Pete's going to use this as an opportunity to gun for full partner status. I wonder if Joan will take over Lane's work (isn't she basically doing it already) or if they'll bring in another man.

Ignore the zebra and try to imagine the real Chris Rock in a sound booth recording that weirdness. I dare you to not giggle.

Ignore the zebra and try to imagine the real Chris Rock in a sound booth recording that weirdness. I dare you to not giggle.

As an MATC alum its nice to know that someday I, too, could be writing for the internet, just like Nabin!

As an MATC alum its nice to know that someday I, too, could be writing for the internet, just like Nabin!

This is really a sign of how far Joan's character has come. She has her petulant moments (A fine example from last week: "Surprise! There's an AIRPLANE here to see you!"), but Joan from seasons 1-2 did this kind of stuff on the regular — she loved it when the men she slept with bought her gifts (like Roger's fur

This is really a sign of how far Joan's character has come. She has her petulant moments (A fine example from last week: "Surprise! There's an AIRPLANE here to see you!"), but Joan from seasons 1-2 did this kind of stuff on the regular — she loved it when the men she slept with bought her gifts (like Roger's fur

Since the Avengers was a delightfully fun and engaging movie, I can only assume you were drugged. I recommend seeing it again and never accepting drinks from strangers

Since the Avengers was a delightfully fun and engaging movie, I can only assume you were drugged. I recommend seeing it again and never accepting drinks from strangers

Zach & Miri is very funny if you just want a fun hang-out kind of movie

Your Mythbusters fan-fiction is "sexy."

I'm unreasonably worried about Troy and Abed's friendship now. Thanks a lot, Community!

She's the worst

He's the AT&T of people

US or Imperial?

You all are forgetting Toby Keith's brilliant "We'll Put a Boot in Your Ass"