Snaven Shake

That actually isn't a bad observation at all. It's quite possibly true!

The lone 'f' at the end of this review is very foreboding.

Are you kidding? That was easily the highlight of Season 3.

This is a huge relief, because I absolutely agree with you. Also; any episode this show has every produced that is titled with the format "Name and Name" has always been stellar, so I am all for it.

This comment is specifically directed at the second episode tonight.

I am missing a ton of "future jokes" so far this season, which I am actually happy about. It will make repeat watching it more enjoyable.

In a long time? You mean since the Unity Concert…so like 4 episodes ago?

My favorite moment (because I am absolutely digging the continuity) was when Randy is drinking the beer and says "It's okay, it is Gluten Free).

I am a bit surprised to hear this film is only 70 minutes long. I could see that being advantageous for a film utilizing the type of comedy Larry David is known for, but I still wouldn't mind having more of it.

I watched the episode live and then again on NBC.com today and didn't notice that either time and normally I am pretty good about things like that. I was similarly impressed at the Lil' Sebastian memorial with the quick glance Ben gave to the camera when he said he misses him every day.

What a fantastic episode. I am typing this comment before
the review is even live I enjoyed it so much. The Ben / Leslie relationship
(which I will admit was a bit shaky earlier this season) has become one of my
favorite couplings on a television show in recent memory. They work so well

I'll be the first to admit I mostly watch this show for the throwback jokes and references, and tonight's episode was a gold mine.

Full Disclosure: I dipped out before the episode ended, however…

You know, you might be on to something. Now that I think of it, I recall writing a script called Baking Bread. Bread of course was a euphemism for meth. I need to contact my lawyer pronto.

If I were Marcus Webb I probably wouldn't want to say my script is comparable to the script for The Expendables. Unless he gets off on insulting his own work, no judgements here.

I agree. Besides, people love post-game analysis. Why else do you think TV Recaps and in-depth reviews are so popular? People like dissecting things that they are invested in, whether that be sports, video games, or in this case, zombies.