I guess I'm weird: I always thought of Amnesiac as the album that Kid A should have been. But that may just be because of my ridiculous amount of love for "Like Spinning Plates."
I guess I'm weird: I always thought of Amnesiac as the album that Kid A should have been. But that may just be because of my ridiculous amount of love for "Like Spinning Plates."
I suppose Kid A was more important, but I would put both In Rainbows and Hail to the Thief ahead of it.
Air Marshall 50 Cent
He needs to stop wasting time on Nicholas Cage and Val Kilmer and get Soul Plane II: The Blackjacking into theaters.
My handle makes this a bit obvious, but Brand New would definitely be a good choice. Daisy was quite good, though The Devil and God are Raging Inside Me was far better overall.
Precious: Based on the Landmark Supreme Court Decision "Branzburg v. Hayes," by Justice Byron Wright, Joined by Justices Burger, Blackmun, Powell, and Rehnquist; the Concurring Opinion by Justice Lewis F. Powell, Jr.; the Dissenting Opinion by Justice William O. Douglas; and the Dissenting Opinion by Justice Potter…
The Canadian football bit was the most I've laughed at this show this season.
I'm white as could be, and I find her weird-looking as well. From the neck up, at least.
"I was so gay. But I couldn't tell anyone!"
When Jim does stuff like this, it makes me think that one of the writers for this show knows my brother. Mildly douche-y, but lovebly so.