
Loved it.
Even better than last week's episode. What is sad is how I am going to have to trash this reviewer on my podcast this week after promoting him last week. But then I am totally full of myself.

Glad to be reading your reviews for the rest of the season.

Who the hell is this writer?
And what did you do with the idiot who used to review this show?

Has Steve lost his mind?
This was a fun episode with some really good dialogue between the characters. Richie was fine. The Buy More storyline was OK. Kiebler was semi-eye-candy but otherwise a waste. The Chuck and Sarah dynamic worked. And sure, the faux-proposal at the end was silly but this is what this show

Outside of the Old Spice Guy, I felt this episode really wasted those guest stars. The show usually does a good job with them but maybe there are too many this season. Though, they are only important in getting free publicity from the casting announcements so I am not worried about it too much.

Loved it
Thought they nailed almost everything in this episode. Clearly one of the best Ring storylines introduced this season. But I also feel that they are cramming too much story into single episodes. Why not spread it around more? They give us boring nothing episodes like last week and then toss in tons of

I am excited about someone calling me a megafan. ;) At least AppleJill didn't call me a fanboy. And the reason I pointed it out is because it missed the state of the relationship in the scene. It is a pretty important oversight. The uncomfortable silence had nothing to do with their feelings for each other or the

"in uncomfortable silence, lamenting the loss of their spy lives"
They were silent because each was hiding a secret from the other, not because they have nothing to talk about. They demonstrated earlier that they did in fact have a lot to talk about (which is why, at the end, he is introducing her to his music). Why

Probably the best of the season
Outside of a couple of minor issues, this episode was pretty much perfect (not counting cgi issues that we can't really complain about when the show is made on a cable budget). I think the last three episodes have been great with this one leading the pack. If this is the kind of

Get the name of the episode right, goofy
Chuck Versus The Nacho Sampler. Is it really that difficult to look it up?

You have no shot at ever running a show. You know that, right?

Anyone who thinks Shaw and Sarah were married should be punched in the dumbest place in their brain. Maybe brain damage will improve their analytical skills.

Chuck did flash in the episode. He just didn't flash when he needed to fight the two Ring agents. This is part of his problem right now. He can't flash on command. It is all explained in these episodes.