pun factory

He co-created the greatest night of Stand-Up Comedy anywhere. It's called Comedy Death Ray and it resides at the Upright Citizens Brigade theatre in LA.

Presenting, his Royal Majesty,
the Kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing of Cartooooooooooooooooooooooooons

<——————- Living legend
I'm going to add myself to this list. Don't agree? You're unaware of just how unheralded I am. You'll know one day, by god. And it will blow your mind.

The (S)limey? Solar-ass? Ocean's 13 inches.

Sycamore got to grow down to grow up
Young girl told the soul like baby's first cup

KC went to high school in the town where I am living. Last summer, he and his band played a concert billed as a rocking hometown reunion. What it was was a good chance to plug his movie Swing Vote, as the concert attracted several thousand mutants. I bet it was "great". Plus, that accent of his in RH:POT

love em

Japanese Motors = Bogus

for the shout out.

"These girls were hoping to hit the runway but it was hit and run away for the few charged with disorderly conduct. Mary…"

Why, PW, that's a Mr. Show reference, is it not?

What one man can do, another can do!

Sean O'Neal doesn't care about british people. So said Kanye Westminster.

Porcupine Racetrack
A 3 minute masterpiece.

Porcupine Racetrack
A 3 minute masterpiece.

Maybe he was echoing Robert Evans who said, "Background makes foreground. This goes for movies, it goes for dressing, it goes for living. Here's an example: If I go to a party and eight different people come over to me and say, "Gee, that's a great-looking tie," as soon as I get home, I take the tie off and put it in

Lincoln Park and ride
The Obamas were expected to be driven to the inauguration in A. Lincoln, but they went with a heavily armored limo instead.