
Unfortunately David Hayter has a habit to talk about projects before they're a go. Whilst it doesn't seem like it's his fault, but there's a dozen projects we hear about which stall. Hopefully this isn't one.

It looks like more creators are taking the British/European approach of either producing shorter shows with no definite return (Master of None), or running for a while and then saying we might come back to it some other time (Louie, Always Sunny etc.). I guess the current TV climate makes this a lot more feasible than

I like what you're saying here but it doesn't match up with her story about her mother. In that story each soul/mind returned to where their bodies had gone. I thought the stuff with the bodies had more to do with David doing some reality bending stuff and when the souls were meant to go back to their bodies, he let

Watched the first episode last night after the show showed up on Netflix here. I haven't watched the British show or read the books, but I quite liked it. The show is silly and entertaining. It only vaguely feels like a Douglas Adams creation, but I'm okay with that. I'm intrigued by it and it reminds me a little bit

I'd recommend watching both episodes fully before giving up on it, but to be honest I liked what the show was doing pretty quickly, so ymmv. What do you mean by semi-gang violence? "the big bang" does seem to have an overhanging plotline but isn't really the focus of the show at least so far.

I think that's part of the point, a lot of the humor in the show comes from the characters' flaws.

Yeah I had the same feeling with that. This combined with Darius' deja vu gave me that "Twin Peaks weird factor". Currently re-watching Twin Peaks now after introducing it to a friend, so I can see some of the similarities with the quirky lines, surreal situations (the waiting in jail) and fascination with food

I think that's a very interesting point, and you might be right. My impression was that he committed himself into a hospital (rather than prison), and that he can probably leave whenever he pleases. Having said that, if he is locked up, maybe what Mr Robot is pushing him to do is start working on breaking out. We've

There's no real "right" answer to this as the legion of radiohead fans have accumulated joining in having first heard any of their songs through the years be it out of sequence or out of initial release. I started listening to them around when Hail to the Thief came out, but my main introduction was a sort of greatest

It's not a comedy. You need to know that going in. It's interesting, you don't really know how you're meant to react and not really sure where any of it is heading. That in of itself, is exciting. The performances are brilliant by the entire cast (Alan Alda and Steve Buscemi are standout. Louis is ok, his facial

"Dutch visual mastermind Nicolas Winding Refn" - The guy's Danish. Hope this is a good match up, time will tell!

It'd be great! The first 30 min or so of Evil Dead 2 was basically that, so more of that would be great!

Man, Michael Ian Black is in everything I'm watching these days… Wet Hot American Summer, Another Period, Burning Love, They Came Together… Not a bad thing by any means!

Actually thought this episode was more like Entourage for its episode structure and for having the protagonist explode what seems catastrophically for something else to go wrong instead. Especially with Russ at the forefront. Nothing wrong with that. Great episode overall, will be interesting to see where they go next.

I felt similarly after watching this episode. It touches on a lot of things, didn't think of everything you mentioned, but definitely don't disagree. The episode really hits a human core in its beats.

Yeah I saw that in the Independent. Sad stuff, a lot to think about.

Well the next episode is 90 minutes… Guess we might have our answer!

Was thinking the same thing, great episode even though, and he changed it quite a bit.

I think you meant to say: when will he make a full feature with everything he's picked up since creating Louie.

Yeah this was definitely Community at its weirdest, but that's what makes it great and brilliant!