Death N Texas

Floyd- you saved it by referring to him by his lesser known moniker in combination with the faux familiarization of calling him "Reggie".

It's always the ones that sneak up on you.

Films and life
I liked your point about well timed exposure to a film. There are so many films that I know I should see, even want to see, but know that they would probably not be fully appreciated right now.

I agree. Sometimes you just can't separate the artist from the music. Once the artist becomes associated with something I despise, it taints everything they are involved with.

Love Kermode's bluntness even when I disagree with his reviews.

I think the point that is being made is that she is going to be the defacto spokesperson for the film, and it is reasonable to expect that she would be informed about the subject. I don't think that she should be an expert, but being able to converse at some length to interviewers.

I agree that the comments about her weight might be a little over the top, but remember, it is all a matter of taste. Size does not immediately negate beauty.

The only problem with NBC failing
…. is that it will take down more ambitious arms of its programming partners, like the SciFi ……..I'm sorry SyFy channel. I am looking for the day SyFy becomes just SF and becomes the "Friends" rerun channel.

It's corporate speak for "We don't really know anything about anything, but we want to sound ambitious."

One of the things that I liked about this was the lack of conventionality. It used bold, Biblical/Shakespearean language and prophetic imagery, which is either never touched in other television or has all the emotional nuance of a Ghost Whispering ending. And, as others have stated here, I particularly like how they

I had thought the same at first, fairly unique reaction to the messenger and 180 0n the way hostages were treated. Knowing now that he had actually planned the incident puts a whole new spin on it. Now it is clear that there must have been some anger at a plan gone wrong.

Great stuff
I had never heard of this either, but happened across it on Hulu this morning. I was under the impression it was some kind of Sci Fi show. Man, was I pleasantly surprised.

I had no idea that was a sting song. He would have been my last guess as who wrote it. After listening to sting's version I am still dubious.

I had no idea that was a sting song. He would have been my last guess as who wrote it. After listening to sting's version I am still dubious.

For a total represenation, don't forget

Godzilla (of course that one)
I had been away on a wilderness trip and had very little knowledge of it. My friends wanted to go to the opening (at 2 am) for pure cheese factor. Forty five minutes in, I was exhausted, uncomfortable in a packed theatre, and ready to leave the shit fest. I couldn't understand why

Try listening to a lot of the singer songwriter types. James McMurtry and Steve Earle would both kick your ass if you said they were bush supporters.

Bob Harris
Coincidentally, anyone wanting to get started on a new run into country music, I suggest listening to Bob Harris' Country show on BBC2. It is usually diverse, sometimes theme driven, has interviews and live sessions, and Bob is a big music geek. New shows go up every Thursday and are available all week on

I Lovett (see what I did there)
I love exploring new genres of music. I am interested to see how you accomplish this. I am really interested to see where you find your in roads to the lesser known artists. Willie is a good place to start, but look to who is writing the songs and find them or other performers who