And So But

Not my 'Zo poster!!

If you don't mind waiting 4-5 months between issues (and with the jaw-dropping art J.H. Williams III has provided in the first two issues, I certainly haven't been complaining [too much]), Sandman: Overture is proving to be an excellent prequel/sequel.

How dare you, sir.

I swear, a few hundred pages in is where everybody gives up on Infinite Jest. I've read it a couple of times—and I'm long overdue for another round—and I still can't quite nail down where things really shift into high gear. Somewhere in the desert surrounding Tuscon? Those loooong passages, especially near the

Gut reaction, first things that came to mind were Wilco's "The Art of Almost" or "Spiders (Kidsmoke)." Shit I haven't listened to either of those in months. I'm gonna go do that now. Bye.

shoulda gone with "lady in red."

"Is this oak?"
"I think it's plastic."