
"Although most people under a certain age aren’t particularly familiar with McCartney’s solo career, more likely than not (if they’re McCartney fans, at least), they own and
love Band On The Run."

Does the car wash have a daycare facility?
Walt leaves Andrea's house, walks into car wash with baby, sees Saul, ducks out, and meets Saul seconds later without baby.  How?

I agree.  Their rhythm section was so fantastic.  Rapeman still sounds fresh and exciting today when a most of Big Black and a lot of the best Shellac stuff sounds a bit dated.

The character with thick glasses and funny voice is not mentally handicapped.  Bubbles is just a guy with thick glasses and a funny voice.

This could be good news, if Yahoo is able to run the full episodes with musical guests.  There were some incredible bands on SNL during the 70s and 80s, most of which were removed from the Hulu versions.