
Everything Lucca Quinn wore this episode stood out to me - and I never really notice fashion a part from Diane
Also Marissa is another underused/underdeveloped character from The Good Wife getting a good run out here

This movie was a solid B+ until the end when Weaver (Brie Larson) the only developed female character in this massive male ensemble had to be saved by Kong especially seeing as the filmed felt it earned the moment by having Weaver touch Kongs face in an intimate way two scenes earlier.
I also disliked the end sequence

I do still kind of enjoy this show but everything that has happened this season is not what I wanted out of an election season of Scandal

Where is this season even going? I mean what is the finale going to look like? Is it going to be season long hoop jumping until someone ends up as President (if so it will probably be Olivia with the incomprehensible direction this show is going)

Really good view as I did feel the episode was lacking and reading this cleared up why
The worst use of having a pregnant actress wear big clothes and hide behind large objects has got to be the first time Kerry Washington was pregnant on Scandal - it almost felt like it was purposely bad

I'm going to predict that Stans' new girlfriend is a spy, but not a Soviet spy - an FBI one

This should be Aubrey Plaza’s Emmy submission episode - that dance sequence set to Nina Simone was probably my favorite scene I have seen on TV this year

This show continues to surpass my quality expectations week after week - I feel like I've drifted on a cloud back to the early days of The Good Wife and I love it (and in some ways this show is even better than them)
Also Carrie Preston as Elsbeth Tascioni is a gift I sometimes feel I don't deserve - I have undying

I hope Auberey Plaza is not left out of Emmy consideration because man is she a class act on this

I also totally thought that if the ring would alter the future why wouldn't they get Iris to get rid of her clothes like the reviewer

As this season trudges on I like Barry less than I have ever have before (he's never been my favorite character)
Also Ciscos treatment of HR this season has really shone a dark light on this character in my opinion
After all the crap the past few episodes I am wholeheartedly rooting for Savitar

I mean I remember there being hype and intrigue around B613 at the beginning but now everything on this show has turned to dirt - none of the plots or characters are recognizable from seasons 1 and 2

I wanted to comment on this episode but I literally don't even know what to say about this show anymore - Where exactly did it all go wrong? B613?

Completely forgot this show was back! While the episode was average I've really been appreciating just how excellent the cast is - Jenifer and Tracee were on point as usual but Marsai stood out for me in this episode.
Also has this show gotten a renewal yet? Or what are the chances? Haven't really been paying attention

So when did it become apparent to you that the Flash went from being your favorite superhero show on at the moment to your least favorite? For me it was this episode that put it in last position but it has been moving down the ranks ever since the back half of season 2.
AoS is definitely my favorite superhero show on

I love Viola Davis and really want her to finally get an Oscar but I personally thought Naomie Harris was the best part of Moonlight (yes even better than Ali) - I'm so conflicted on who to root for

I mean if Affleck is going to lose based on politics don't a lot of people who have worked with Denzel say he's a big-headed asshole? Surely that should weaken his image as well (albeit not as much as having sexual abuse allegations against you) - If Affleck was to lose I'd rather it be to Gosling or Garfield

I do think to her credit that Stone really does carry La La Land and the film would be a lot weaker without her, she makes it look easy which is why she isn't totally undeserving of winning. Isabelle Huppert - yes a fantastic performance (becoming a bit overrated through awards season though) but the film is in French

Tracee Ellis Ross and Marcus Scribner were on fire this episode!
Also now that you mention it the seamless growing up of the kids has been amazing - I had a quick flick back to season one after reading this and you can rally see how they've grown - well done writers and actors

Wait, so were the Mahoneys were actually working with the DA to take down Annalise? I might have missed that part
Viola Davis deserves another Emmy for that final scene alone and I totally agree that she is the best and most believable crier on television
Also I was under the impression that it was only a double bill