
I really liked Freedom & Necessity at the start and at the end, but I thought it got a little dull in the middle. Still, I have to commend Steven Brust for the weird writing experiments he has tried. In his steady fantasy universe, he wrote ALL the prequels in flowery, dense Dumas-style prose. It took some

Mariah Carey is tempting fate by reminding us how much energy we could produce by completely destroying her.

If you need a Union Cab, call 2-4-2 two thousand! 2-4-2 two thousand!
2-4-2 two thousand! Union Cab!

It's made of people
I wonder why the sexiest people alive are always celebrities, and usually American celebrities. There is absolutely nobody non-famous who is sexier than Patrick Dempsey? He is sexier than every single person in China or Africa? Not even Bollywood can compete?

Fill me in
This may have been explained, but my fiancee taped over parts of some of the shows.

I appreciate hijeffinition's point about just enjoying the pretty show, and I'll admit that many of my questions go beyond any relevance. I can live happily without having those answered.

On a related note, I got in trouble with my better half for yelling "Just get some gloves!" when they did the self-hand-holding.

What a difference one letter makes
"Four Star Video Heave" indeed. I love that place. I still tell people about how they file the porn under "Documentary."

I see
Sounds like we need to get the President a Nymph Cloak. Grab your d20 and let's get questing!

Must Resist
I will intentionally be brief, because I could easily spend all day sucked into this conversation. Here are two things that haven't been mentioned.

I'm pretty sure Sylar only had shape-changing abilities in the "future" episode. Otherwise he would have just used a disguise during one of the several times people were looking for him.

Limited Time
I had the same notion as Pete. I really liked the first season when they were actually going somewhere with the show, but there were a lot of pointless episodes. I hope that there isn't anything beyond a third season, so they can keep the plot advancement chugging along. If they just spin this out for a

Ah memories
Cleggers: Of course I remember Figment. He was from the "Captain EO" era. I don't think he was actually in anything, though.

I was so busy drooling over the rest of the article, I missed that parenthetical comment the first time. Sorry.

Yes But
…what about the Gummi Venus di Milo, created by gummi artisans who work exclusively in the medium of gummi?

Although they're almost certainly not the relevant space game, reading that question reminded me of both "Elite" for C64 and "Star Control 2" for DOS (which had the "Avatar" ship).

Dessert Pizza
Pizza Ranch has a tasty strudel-ish dessert pizza. I could eat that all night, assuming I didn't want to wake up again.

"Live every week like it's shark week."

Git on Up
Sadly, it seems congress is having to take on the business of the Funkadelic Parliament, which is still hopelessly deadlocked in the get up / get down debate.

True Story
I have thumb-wrestled Roger Ebert. I did it at a book signing.