
the return of Nathan's facial hair
I for one hope that Nathan's beard makes a comeback later in the season. It seems to me that a beard that powerful can't just be quit cold turkey. He needs to ease into it-start with a goatee and moustache, after that shave it down handlebar with a soul patch, then the next to final

Let's start a Heroes drinking game
Drink whenever Parkman gives Molly a big ol'hug. I counted five, that gets you half way to a good buzz.

Javeyjoe's prediciton
If the white Samurai is indeed an immortal does this mean we can expect an epic battle with a Highlander?

The toe cutter
That scene would of been much more enjoyable if Claire fed her old toe to Mr. Muggles.

I know its kind of obivious, but..
Has anyone mentioned Deliverance? Not only does it have man-rape, it has Ned Beatty as the rapee.

Irish accents
The gang at the end of the episode had laughably bad Irish accents.