
The not-always-on feature of spidey sense is a big drawback.

lol so grimdark and tryhard edgy.

If a 12 year old points a gun at me, real or fake, I don't shoot him. Maybe I'd make a bad cop, but I've had 2 separate instances in my life where 12-13 y/o's have pointed guns at me and I've managed not to kill them (gun range, one loaded one not). Amazing.

Everything except Lorne. Lorne's decision made no sense to me. It's completely out of character and I think that's really the worst part of the episode.

I don't hit women. I'd never hit a woman! I'd hit a woman who was trying to hit me with a bottle! That's different, that's self defence, isn't it?

My vote's for Ecuador but I think it'll get vetoed.

Well they know after they get the ratings of the original airing.