It certainly cost me my lunch from throwing it up.
It certainly cost me my lunch from throwing it up.
I am always for encouraging Germanophobia.
Wouldn't Chappelle's show have been 10 times as funny if it had been non-stop Bush bashing stunts?
I am so old, I remember when guys made an effort to hide that they looked at porn sites.
The next four years will definitely be a renaissance for ostrich-like, pretty, brunette women who always wanted to do a Boris and Natasha accent.
No mention of Zombie Nightmare?
He laughs at Tony Danza!
You majored in Rest Stop Scholarship.
Consider your hood card REVOKED!
Didn't Nelson Muntz laugh at this guy while he was driving?
Is Hillary President yet?
But hes a maaaaan and if the AV Club stands for anything, its female empowerment!
I care.
Naked Lithgow cradles her dead body in a bathtub.
People are just mad that its an attractive white girl so they can't call her fat and dateless.
Michael, I got a hot scoop on Trump! When he was writer and director for TV Nation, he treated his employees horribly and threatened to fire them if they unionized!
All people with vanity license plates should be shunned and exiled to a desert island.