The website Alt-Left Club was taken.
The website Alt-Left Club was taken.
Keep defending the actual white supremacists of Mexico.
Funny how the President of Mexico doesn't look much like the gardener and the nanny you hired. You might even think that was a result of semi-peaceful ethnic cleansing.
The reviewer is correct that the guys "looking for weaknesses" made no sense. Scouts are not supposed to be big, indiscrete lunkheads who pick fights when they are scouting.
Why would anyone be afraid of Gotham's crime bosses when they are so easy to kill? Tony Soprano could outwit all of them.
Is your gf from a crappy 2000s romantic comedy?
Plurality does not equal majority.
Its Trumps all the way down.
I thought you couldn't be racist if you didn't have an institutional power keeping one side subservient. Do black people run India?
At least Han and Leia had Jaina and Anakin to prove that they weren't horrible parents.
Paradise Snare was the first EU book I ever bought. I am glad that Disney is stealing from the best.
The Lightbringer must be protected.
I'd rather have 35 $1 million houses.
You know what I'd do? 3,000,000 chicks at the same time.
You had me at "therapist touches you".
Leave Kate Capshaw out of this!
British people usually ration music due to the Blitz.
How Richard Dreyfuss Got His Stakeout Back.
That only reasons to watch that movie are cartoon Lois Lane's non-cartoon boobs.