I think Zack means that the other people Otto killed were bad guys who deserved it. Unless that nurse was stealing prisoners' organs or arranging their rapes or something, she was an innocent.
I think Zack means that the other people Otto killed were bad guys who deserved it. Unless that nurse was stealing prisoners' organs or arranging their rapes or something, she was an innocent.
Yes Incest! I really do think Gemma would be down for that.
How can she extort something from him when he isn't even employed by any kind of law enforcement? Its all very weird why he is allowed to talk to prisoners at any moment. I'm sure the California penal system is ecstatic that they are portrayed as that corrupt (not that they aren't, but it still looks bad to put it on…
I don't think that is much of a spoiler. Having her in prison the whole season would just be too easy on Jax.
I'd say their justifications are just like Gemma's. They want a lot of money and they don't want to go to work for 8 hours in a building everyday to get it. Bobby seemed to enjoy being an Elvis impersonator so I don't see why he still sticks with the club other than the easy women.
Wouldn't a 9/11 liberal be someone who became more liberal on a certain subject because of 9/11? Maher is just describing a liberal who is willing to criticize Islamic cultures.
G4 even ditched her sassy gay friend, Logo.
Now how am I going to find out if Superman 64 is worth buying?
Like the once mighty Sega Saturn, G4's time has come and gone.
There is a word for men who use shoe trees.
Sorry Al but sidekicks skew younger nowadays. He is more likely to team up with Shia LaBeouf than you.
Do you expect him to work for scale on some independent gay cowboys eating pudding movie?
If SNL does an Under the Dome sketch, they had better get Samburg back for it.
All Big Jim had to do was tell Dodee something like "The Dome made me kill the Reverend, it mind-controlled me etc". Its not like he framed anyone else for that death.
It does make sense that a race of humanoids with wings wouldn't have huge breasts to weigh them down.
Please state the nature of the rapping emergency.
Oh yeah. Estelle Getty circa 1987.
Same as it ever was!
Is this the plot for a live action Pac Man movie? If so, it might be the most successful SNL movie of the last 15 years.
Prove it by threatening to move to France if the other side's right of center warmonger beats your left of center warmonger.