Hotel Coral Essex

Why did Walt kill Lydia?  She never crossed him, in fact she made him richer by opening up the European market to him.

Jeez, how many times can Walt decide to give himself up, only to have fate intervene in the last moment?  I'm actually rooting for him now.

Can we stop saying albums are "dropped."  Also, stop staying someone "rocks" a particular piece of clothing.  Also, "get off my lawn."

This article is wrong.  Yes, the audience had some dicks in it, but Chappelle was the only one with a mic.  A comedian of his stature should be able to control the room.

So I'm going to hear this at my friends wedding this weekend, right?

Its surprising that as a professional comedian, Chappelle can't control a room.  I'll assume its because he's a total head case.

Except it isn't clever. Split-sentence humor is a gimmick.  Patton Oswalt is kinda funny, but he needs to dial it back a little, because with over-exposure, his humor is grating and self-indulgent.

This whole thing is a little too gimicky and smacks of effort.  Patton Oswalt's schtick is getting old, quick.

I ♥ Drew Barrymore

You talked to Frakes and didn't ask him about why Riker always sat down like he was mounting the chair?

So does Tom have a secret crush on Maggie?  His "dream" was a world entirely of his own creation, and she said some comment "nothing sexier then a woman with a gun", while making flirty eyes with him.  Maybe I'm reading too much into this show.

Tune in next week to find out!   (the answer is yes)

So I'm assuming they put more eye bugs(or whatever alien spy device du jour) in Tom since they essentially just let him walk away.

I'd be interested if it was David Blaine trying to endure 6 hours of Jay-Z, because nobody can do that.

I bet if you showed up with a daguerreotype, she'd be ok with it.

I'm losing faith in this show.  I used to like it but not much anymore.  The scene with Maggie shooting the Hum-V, flipping it(and not hurting anyone!) was just stupid.  Even in a make-believe world, I found that scene hard to believe.  Breaking Bad can't come back soon enough.

I'll wait for the sequel, Butler 2: Electric Butleroo.

Plus its bullshit.  I've seen plenty of trees with moss on all sides and they are horrible at giving directions.

Its all in the vest.

Wait, her name was "Crazy"?  This whole time I thought it was "Gracie".