Hotel Coral Essex

While the episode was entertaining, it just does not make sense why the English would pay tribute to the Vikings.  The Vikings come ashore with, lets say, 60 soldiers and after the midnight raid and battle after the fake money was paid, are probably down to around 45.  So, their forces are diminished, and they have

Did Bob Pollard write this headline?

I agree that cell phones during concerts are annoying, but they shouldn't be telling people how to experience their shows.  They should be happy anyone is willing to show up at all.

Whatever his title, he was a high-status Swede(my favorite kind!), and I would be surprised if there wasn't some sort of retaliation the Vikings had to deal with soon.

The old Swede is a king, if I'm not mistaken.  Killing their king probably won't go over well with the Swedes.  Will the Vikings be trying to plunder the English and fight off the Swedes at the same time in Season 2?  By Odin, I hope so!

I assumed Lagertha, or the kids, didn't jump in to save Ragnar because they didn't know how to swim.  Which seems odd for a sea-faring people, but whatever, it was a good scene.

Do you date black guys?

Question for the history nerds.

Rollo didn't take pity on the sick Saxon "for no discernible reason."  It was to foreshadow his rightous actions at the end of the episode, ie, not betraying his brother to the Jarl.

His hat isn't red?!! and it's on correctly??!!!

My only worry is that Harrison Ford will still be alive to make these movies.  Dude's in his early 70's already and they could be filming the new trilogy through 2020.  I hope there's room for his trusty blaster on his Lark.

Great album, but it would be even better if he dropped half of the "woo!'s" from the songs.

David Bowie!

You forgot Ringo!?  Yellow Submarine, A Little Help from My Friends and many, may more more.

I'm just happy to see Piama again.

That DirectTV babe looks like a super-slut.

Those Uncanny X-Force comics look like they were drawn by an early 90's Jim Lee.  Nice.

"Louie" wasn't the first show to have a comedian star as himself.  Just ask Seinfeld, Roseanne, Bob Newhart, etc

This show isn't "ha, ha" funny.  Its more like "hmmm" funny, which is not very funny at all.

Blame it on the rain.