Hotel Coral Essex

Ah, so that's where that quote that opens Check Your Head is from.  Learn something new everyday.

Ah, so that's where that quote that opens Check Your Head is from.  Learn something new everyday.

C'mon, didn't they mention a few times how heavily guarded the facility was, and the only resisitance they find is ONE skitter who was already there.  Where were the 2 mechs we saw earlier?  All that gunfire didn't attract any attention?

C'mon, didn't they mention a few times how heavily guarded the facility was, and the only resisitance they find is ONE skitter who was already there.  Where were the 2 mechs we saw earlier?  All that gunfire didn't attract any attention?

Maybe I'm making too much of this but at Weight Watchers, didn't Betty confess that she saw something that day that gave her feelings she shouldn't have, or something like that after seeing Megan in a bra.  Possible lesbo storyline?

Hugs, not drugs.  Well, some drugs, but not the bad ones.

(doffs cap)  Thank you good sir(or ma'am)!

I don't have much time for dubstep.  Too busy singing about oats.

Come on Handlen, its pretty obvious Lori is pregnant with Shane's baby.  This was foreshadowed at the end of last season when the CDC doc did blood tests on everybody, and I'm pretty sure this is what he whispered to Rick before he left.  "By the way, your wife is pregnant, and its Shane's".  I hope this revelation

Aul is not pleased.