gay baby 1986

After thinking on it a bit more, I think I've figured out the thing that really bugs me the most about this focus to Rick's nihilistic indifference manifesting itself in violence: it doesn't fit what we know about the character. He's incredibly defensive, especially when his family is involved, but he's never shown a

There's a whole lot of talk in here about deconstruction, and I have to confess that I feel a bit lost, as I didn't see anything approaching deconstruction at all. Not of form, not of narrative, not even of trope—it just pointed out a bunch of superhero movie clichés and expected you to laugh.

Right? That and Noob Noob slipping around in Rick's shit were just weird - they didn't even qualify as visual jokes and felt like they were out of a different show entirely.

Also, Dustin's reaction to the news of his brother's death? Fucking heartbreaking. Give that man an Emmy.

I don't usually comment, but I've been following this show from the beginning, and after some serious thinking about the finale, I think it was perfect.

Britta's treatment of Abed
does it really bother anyone else? i realize that abed's not exactly like most people mentally, but britta acts like abed is some sort of small child and it really gets on my nerves