Toon Addict

For me, I have to go with Gen. Treister mistaking JJ and Billy as "star people" that have successfully cured him of his "pee pee cancer".


That's because most of the films that he's been involved in this year (be it Transformers or the films that his Platinum Dunes studio produced) are actually that bad (what with an unnecessary sequel to the Transformers franchise, a sequel to one of the worst films of 2013, a TMNT reboot that people didn't want, and a

Of course, most people will associate "schadenfreude" with Avenue Q than The Simpsons.

Ovaltine?! A crummy commercial?! Son of a bitch!

So how long until there's a cell phone app based on this film that allows kids to decode secret messages, with an African-American version of Ralphie Parker downloading it, only to discover that the coded messages are really ads for Ovaltine?

For me, my TV schedule for tonight consists of a couple of programs not mentioned in the article:

If you watch the scene where Cosby is approaching Kyle about the holiday special, he can clearly be seen "glitching" when he's walking away, which meant the one who talked Kyle isn't the real one but a hologram.

Let's not forget Mazes and Monsters.

I do admit that episodes like "The Cissy" and "Cock Magic" were good. However, in terms of satire, some older viewer may feel that South Park isn't up to par with earlier seasons (especially considering how these episodes lack an element that worked well with some of the satire of the earlier episodes: the idea of

As someone who's been siding with the commentators, it's more likely the "grandpa" route.

To me, the episode is on par with the rest of the season, which in this case (save for "The Cissy" and "Cock Magic" being) is pretty much a "meh" episode.

While one unlockable stage is tied to unlocking one of the "more interesting: unlockable characters (if you go the "hard" route to unlock them), most stages' unlock conditions are different than how to unlock character (i.e. one requires you to be a certain mission in Event Mode, while another requires you to play all

Usually, it's because some people are not fans of that particular character. In my case, the issues I have with Randy are when he is written in the generic "Six Days to Air" style rather than Trey and Matt coming up with something involving him that actually is funny (like in last night's episode).

I can see where you're going with this, given how the "big" character on The Simpsons shifted from Bart to Homer as the show progressed (and those who originally got into the show through Bart became older and started to notice Homer's funnier antics).

While not the best of the season (it's hard to top The Cissy), it's definitely one of the better episodes. Some elements do cause me to give it more of a B grade (i.e. the possibility that you may need to understand Magic: the Gathering to understand some of the humor here; they probably could have chosen a better

Admit it: those who were familiar with South Park during its early years probably had this sponsor plug on your mind when hearing about the plot of the episode.

While I do agree that Randy's sub-plot was a hoot (it does remind me somewhat of Puppetry of the Penis), is it just me, or does anyone else think that Trey and Matt are overusing him this season (with him appearing in every episode but last week's "mind screw") in order to appease the Internet fans who like him? After

Once again, I'll be passing NBC's live airing of a popular family musical in favor of a much more entertaining live experience: another Christmas edition of Rifftrax Live (this year, they will be doing an updated riff of the Mexican film (and MST3K favorite) Santa Claus, with me already picking up an appropriate shirt

Personally, I would like to see something similar to the SNL sketch last year and have Dooneese (Kristin Wiig's character from the sketches that spoof Lawrence Welk) as one of the Lost Boys.