
Screw that noise, dig up some incriminating photos and force Eccleston to come back.

True story, this is legitimately my mother-in-law's favorite show.  I think she might have also single-handedly kept The New Normal on for a whole season.

I think I read the first 8 books in my "half my school book reports are on Star Wars novels" days.  Is that series still going?  Is it any good?

Star Wars definitely has endless potential for weird stand-alone spin-offs.  Surely you could get at least one season of some sort Jackass-esque faux-reality series where young Luke and Biggs do dumbass stunts on Tatooine.

It's weird that he hasn't seemed to be considered as a legitimate candidate the last couple years.  The guy is practically genetically engineered to host that show.

I don't agree with all of this, but you are right on that Herjavec (sp?) is not so secretly just as much of a dick as the rest of them.

Maybe he'll come back for a Keenan farewell next year.  We can only hope.

He has more fun doing SNL than playing the generic normal guy in quickly forgotten comedies?

Yea, but there's still an end goal there other than "being famous".

Honestly, I'm surprised there was Caveman-esque sitcom pilot with that premise this year.

Matt Damon's freakout on 30 Rock justified the existence of whichever one of them was the owl one.

Regular Shark Tank coverage in 2013-14!  Make it happen!

Backing up my long-held belief that the Japanese are the Klingons of Civilization V.

Thinking about this discussion more, if we're saying one instance of time-travel potentially changes ALL instances of time-travel, shouldn't the Trek timeline be constantly changing?  Or are we assuming that every time traveler up until Nero made sure they left their campsite neat and tidy before going back home?

@avclub-095543c425d38265455b460a8b71ee8f:disqus you just blew my mind.

To be fair, the whole man-card thing is really fucking stupid.


What the hell was the thinking there?  That TNG would have benefitted from more Guinan-centric episodes?


@AmaltheaElanor:disqus Not to go super-nerd on you, but would the 2009 alternate timeline be the same as the original up until the point of Kirk's birth?